Puerto Rico: Online Forum for Good Dads
“Over the years, I've worried about how I'm doing as a father”, says Gil the Jenius - which is why he has nothing but praise for a new website that “bring[s] good Dads together and let[s] them…share what it is to be a father.”
Bangladesh: Sexual Assault By A Teacher Triggers Student Uprising
The recent events at the Viqarunnisa Noon School and College (VNC), a prestigious girls educational institution in the Bangladesh capital Dhaka, has stirred much buzz in the Bangladeshi blogosphere. Porimol Joydhor, a teacher of Bangla department of the school's Bashundhara campus, was accused of raping a female student of class ten at VNC while giving her private tuition in his premises.
China: Teaching kids to fight
Jing Gao from Ministry of Tofu highlights a video showing how a father teaches his kids to fight without mercy.
United States: Serbian Couple Struggles to Get Children Back
A U.S.-based Serbian couple Vuk and Verica Nastic have been going through hell since June 2010, when the U.S. Child Protection Agency (CPA) took away their children, son Damjan, 8, and daughter Nastasija, 5, because of alleged negligence and sexual abuse.