Public Domain works can be used without permission in any way you choose. However, a big challenge can be knowing whether a work is even in the public domain. Ever wondered how you figure out if a piece of content is in the public domain, while then read this legal guide to the public domain.

In order to watch a video on a video iPod, it must be in the proper format. The video must be converted to a MPEG4 (.mp4) file with a resolution of 320 X 240. Learn more.

Video capturing software allows you to record any video playing on your computer. It's like making a screen capture, but with video. Learn more.

Supporting "Network Neutrality" means supporting the preservation of the fundamental principles on which the Internet was founded. The Internet was designed with no gatekeepers over new content or services. This design empowers you, the consumer and end user, to individually choose content and services for a demographic of one, rather than having content chosen for you.