Support Levels

New Media Rights is a small non-profit operating on a shoestring budget and we rely on individual donors to support our work. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of resources to have an experienced, licensed attorney provide free and nominal fee services to thousands of creators, entrepreneurs, and Internet users.  Without donations from individuals like you, these services simply won't exist, so please take the time now to donate. We recommend at least a $75 donation, though you can see suggested donation levels below.

Donors over $250 are listed on our Sustaining Donors page  

Click here to donate now!  

Also, if you know of other individuals, foundations, or private companies that would be interested in supporting our work, please let them know about our work.  Foundations can learn more here, and organizations can learn about benefits of becoming an Organizational Supporter here.


Individual Supporter Levels

 $35 - Basic / Student
Benefits Receive our email newsletter (3-4 per year). Become a supporter now!
 $75 - Supporter
Benefits Receive our email newsletter (3-4 per year). Become a supporter now!
 $100 - Open Internet Defender
Benefits Receive our email newsletter (3-4 per year). A personalized shout out on Twitter and/or Facebook. Become a supporter now!
 $250 - Sustaining Donor
Benefits Receive our email newsletter (3-4 per year). You also earn the right to receive high profile recognition on our Sustaining Donors page with a link to your website (gifts can also be anonymous). Become a Sustaining Donor now!
 $1000 - Major Donor
Benefits Receive our email newsletter (3-4 per year). A personalized shout out on Twitter and/or Facebook.  You also earn the right to receive high profile recognition on our Sustaining Donors page as a "Major Donor" with a link to your website (gifts can also be anonymous).Become a Major Donor supporter now!
 $10000 - Lifetime Supporter
Benefits Receive our email newsletter (3-4 per year).  A personalized shout out on Twitter and/or Facebook.  You also earn the right to receive high profile recognition on our Sustaining Donors page as a "Lifetime Supporter" with a link to your website (gifts can also be anonymous).  We will also name an office holiday after you. You will get photos of the NMR staff celebrating your gracious patronage and we'll post those photos to our social media account to let the world know about the holiday. As a Lifetime Supporter, you also earn permanent, physical recognition in our office spaceBecome a Lifetime Supporter now!


Organizational Supporters - Your organization can support us by making a donation at two times any of the support levels outlined above. Organizational donations above $500 will be published on our Sustaining Donors page.

All donations, except those over $10,000, will receive the benefits below for 1 year from the donation date.

Even though we are entirely independently funded, our fiscal sponsor, California Western School of Law, would like acknowledge that all gifts of $1,000 or more qualify you for admission into California Western School of Law’s distinguished Juris Society at one of the following levels:

Juris Friends $1,000 to $2,499

Juris Fellows $2,500 to $4,999

Dean’s Associates $5,000 to $9,999

Dean’s Partners $10,000 and above

To learn more about California Western School of Law’s giving societies and their benefits, please visit

Become a Supporter now by clicking here