FCC Cites NMR in Open Internet Order!
If you read or skimmed through the FCC's new Open Internet Order, you might have noticed New Media Rights' comments to the proceeding are directly mentioned a couple of times.
In fact, the FCC cites our comments along with those of some other groups as support for the idea that "the same no-blocking rule should apply to both fixed and mobile broadband Internet access services." (page 50, cite 263) Meaning no matter how you access content, service providers won't be able to block content from getting to you! Since wireless devices weren't previously included in net neutrality rules in 2010, this is a big win in the new rules! Recent lawsuits challenging the FCC's Title II reclassification of broadband Internet underscore that fight for net neutrality is not over, and the we must now defend the
Recent Events
- May 7th NMR Executive Director Art Neill gave a workshop to over 70 individuals on Copyright 101 for Media Makers at San Diego City College. This event was made possible by San Diego City College and The City of San Diego Economic Development Department. Thanks to Professor and NMR Advisory Board member Cy Kuckenbaker for working with us to organize the event!
- May 14th Hyperlocal social platforms, like Yik Yack and Whisper, are hot right now. But when things turn ugly, or they get into the wrong hands, whose responsibility is it? Staff Attorney Teri Karobonik joined a panel of other experts to discuss these issues and more at CyberHive's StartUp Breakfast; Unintended Consequences: Who is responsible when hyperlocal social apps get in the wrong hands?
Quick Bytes
- NMR is proud to welcome NMR Alum Kyle Welch to our Advisory Board!
- Are domain names protected by Trademarks? Find out in our latest blog post.
- Executive Director Art Neill had his article, "How the FCC Can Preserve The Open Internet: The Case for Reclassifying Broadband Internet Access Under Title II" published as the cover story of the March 2015 The Journal of Internet Law
- Keep an eye out this summer for the release of a very special project that we've been working on!
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