
Professional Content Writing: How To Create Your Own Content Templates For Different Article Types

Writing posts, articles and reviews while utilizing a very specific content structure and sequence as an editorial guiding path, can provide better and more interesting writing while providing more consistently your readers with the information they want in a uniquely recognizable style.
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How To Innovate And Create New Business Opportunities When You Are A Small Fish: Here Comes The VEN - Virtual Enterprise Network

When you are a small fish like me, it may appear pretty difficult, if not altogether out of reach, to be able to network up with other small firms to provide greater value and service abilities to major clients.
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Marshall McLuhan: The Medium Is The Message - Video Mashup

For those interested in understanding media beyond their immediate appearance Marshall McLuhan remains without a doubt still one of the richest and most inspiring resources. His books and writings offer a wealth of insights into the media transformation and changes we are witnessing now, over 30 years after he described and anticipated them.
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Why the VPPA Protects YouTube and Viacom Employees

Monday’s stipulation between YouTube and Viacom did not “extend to records reflecting the business activities of the parties’ employees and agents.” Instead, as we noted yesterday:

The parties will meet and confer within 14 days of the execution of this Stipulation concerning records reflecting the business activities of the parties’ employees and agents. If the parties cannot reach agreement on this issue, any party may submit it to the court.

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