
Shaun Spalding

Assistant Director
Joined NMR in

Shaun Spalding is an intellectual property and privacy attorney with an interest in digital entertainment transactions, data-sharing agreements, and licensing.


Shaun has represented a handful of the top-40 most watched and most subscribed to Youtube channels in the world. Shaun is also a professor at California Western School of Law teaching an Internet and Media Law clinical course. Outside of academia, over 10,000 working creators have enrolled in his online courses aimed at teaching legal basics to creatives. The LAGD: Legal Assistance for Game Developers video series which he developed, directed, and produced with New Media Rights has over 350,000 views and counting.


Before making contracts and online education his main hobbies, Shaun worked as a commercial video producer making brand-integrated videos for companies like SWISS Airlines, Sharp Television, the Motion Picture Association of America, and Henkel.

Click here to learn more about Shaun, including publications, interviews, and presentations.

Mera Szendro Bok

Communications and Information Officer
Joined NMR in

Mera's knowledge of media policy, communication rights, digital rights and open web advocacy has led her to work on communications for New Media Rights. Mera focuses on communications strategy and implementation for New Media Rights services and digital rights advocacy.

At New Media Rights, Mera creates blogs, builds parts of the website, and produces videos. Mera also works on contacts management and does outreach to local and national groups to build New Media Rights' network and to partner with local and national allies. Mera's outreach work includes utilizing social media platforms to engage with diverse audiences and writing the New Media Rights newsletter.

Mera has worked to build Drumbeat San Diego since the Summer of 2010. As lead Drumbeat organizer Mera has organized volunteers, meetings and documented the work on the Mozilla Wiki and on the New Media Rights site on our main Drumbeat page.

Mera's academic backgound is in Communications and International Studies. She received her BA in NYC from Marymount Manhattan College.


  • NY Rockland Radio appearance talking about New Media Rights and new media creation.


Past Public Speaking Engagements:

  • LA Media Reform Summit: Wikileaks, Net Neutrality and Netfreedom- February 26, 2011 
  • East County Democrats: FCC Net Neutrality order and the Comcast-merger
  • Defending Democracy Forums- July 1st, 2010 San Diego, CA
  1. Session: “Bridging the Abyss – The San Diego move toward citizen journalism”
  2. Session: “Communicating Network Neutrality”