Teri Karobonik is a Staff Attorney at New Media Rights where she works with all manner of creative individuals on a daily basis on preventative, transactional and pre-litigation matters. In addition to one on one assistance Teri actively engages in policy work with the copyright office as well as educational work. Teri is also an adjunct professor of law at California Western School of Law where she co-teaches the Internet & Media Law Clinic. In 2015 Teri was appointed as an Internet Law & Policy Foundry Fellow in recognition of her work as an early career leader in the tech law and policy space.
Teri received her J.D. from Santa Clara Law in 2012. While she was at Santa Clara Teri earned numerous awards for her work in IP and Privacy including a Pro-Bono Award for her work as the International Legal Intern at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in the summer of 2011. Teri received her B.A. with honors in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona in 2009. She was also inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.For more on Teri, check out her LinkedIn profile here and her SSRN page here.
Professional Affiliations
- Internet Law & Policy Foundry- Fellow
- Licensing Interest Group of the IP Section of the California State Bar- Director of Communications
- Open Policy Network- New Media Rights representative to Open Policy Network. Member of the advisory committee for the Second Annual Institute for Open Leadership.
- Cybertech - Champion
- The Federal Communications Commission Consumer Advsiory Committee - Alternate for New Media Rights
- Winter 2015 - New Matter: Official Publication of the Intellectual Property Section of the State Bar of California - Open Licensing: Good for the Community, Good for Business. Vol. 40, Number 4.
- February 2014- The Social Media Monthly- Google Frustration and The Curious Case of the YouTube Bots
- January 2014 - The Social Media Monthly- The impact of California’s new Do Not Track law on innovators
- July 2013 - "The Public Domain, Now Available at only 165 an hour*"
- December 2015 - Hopes & Fears - Inside the world of Lyft spam on Facebook - Staff Attorney Teri Karobonik is quoted about the interaction between copyright law and bots.
- October 2015- UT San Diego - Is there a "right to be forgotten?"
- March 2015 -Hopes&Fears- Who owns the copyright to mugshots?
- February 2015 - UT San Diego - "SD ‘Revenge porn’ case a landmark" - Teri is quoted on the importance of CDA 230 to online service providers in 'Revenge Porn' and other cases.
- September 2014- This Week in Law # 274- YOLO - a discusion on ownership of stolen celebrity photos, red light photos as evidence, YouTube bots, net neutrality, and more!
- August 2014 - Over Coffee Podcast- Navigating a Changing Landscape
- July 2014 -Veteran on the Move - New Media Rights: Legal Help for Independent Creators and Entrepreneurs
- June 2014 - Get in Media- A Creator's Guide to Fighting Content Bullies
- April 2014- Owning Your Own- Episode 033: Interview with New Media Rights (Art Neill and Teri Karobonik)
- February 2014- ISBW #313 - (OLDER SHOW) Teri Karobonik Interview
- February 2014 - Tubefilter- Here Are Some Tips For Battling ContentID From A New Media Attorney
- October 2013-This Week in Law #234: Tech policy meets traffic court
- October 2015- Whittier Law School Fall Colloquium and Distinguished Speaker Series - Office of the Fair Use Wizard: Creators, Technology and Fair Use in the Digital Age.
- September 2015 - TwitchCon - Can We Just Play? The Legality of Let's Play Video and Streams.
- September 2015 - Licensing Interest Group Monthly Call - Licensing in the digital age and open licensing pitfalls and how to avoid them.
- May 2015 - CyberHive StartUp Breakfast panel- Unintended Consequences: Who is responsible when hyperlocal social apps get in the wrong hands?
- March 2015 - National Association of Hispanic Journalists San Diego/Tijuana chapter - Ethics and Laws in Border Reporting
- February 2015 - San Diego Entertainment & Sports Lawyers - Print me a Song- Emerging Issues in 3D Printing and Copyright. Part 1, Part 2, Left Shark only.
- October 2014 - Alliance for Community Media Western Region Conference- Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and Fair Use in Media panel.
- August 2014- San Diego Contracting Opportunities Center - IP Law for Government Contractors
- July 2014 - Department of Commerce Internet Policy Task Force Green Paper Roundtable on Copyright Policy, Creativity, and Innovation in the Digital Economy. Statutory Damages and Remix Round Tables.
- June 2014- VidCon - Copyright on YouTube Panel.
- June 2014 - CyberHive - IP for Entrepreneurs
- April 2014- Maker House Tucson - Understanding Copyright as a Maker
- April 2014- Old Pueblo Knitters Guild- Copyright Law 101 for Fiber Artists
- March 2014- South by Southwest Interactive- Stand Up To Content Bullies, Know Your Copy Rights
- March 2014- California Western School of Law's Business Law Society 6th Annual Spring Conference- Protecting the Intellectual Property of Small Businesses
- February 2014-California Lawyers for the Arts & New Media Rights- Artist-Gallery Agreements and Copyright Law
- December 2013-San Diego Mini Maker Faire - Copyright & Trademark Issues Of Digital Fabrication
- December 2013- San Diego Central Library & FAB LAB San Diego - Panel Discussion: Copyright and IP Issues Related to 3D Printing (moderator)
- September 2013-San Diego Python Users Meetup Group- Copyrights and Copywrongs for Internet Content
August 2013- VidCon Anaheim, CA- The (IP) Law of the Land
July 2013- Gam3rCon San Diego, CA- Copyrights and Copywrongs for Internet Content