New Media Rights joins Film Consortium San Diego + So Say We All + Space 4 Art at FILM CON: not your average networking event for San Diego, LA and visiting filmmakers, animators, artists, cast and crew.


Huy Ly is an entrepreneur and the head of software and web development company Meijun, based in San Diego, California. Here, Huy shares his firsthand experience as a client of New Media Rights. Huy's testimonial highlights the difference legal services can make for tech startups & entrepreneurs early in the process of launching a new service or technology.  Huy calls New Media Rights an "indispensable asset to our development agency, demonstrating reliability, courtesy and professionalism."

Copyright Office assignments of copyright

Want to figure out if that work you want to use is in the public domain?  It’s going to cost you…

New Media Rights

It's been almost a year since New Media Rights became part of California Western School of Law. The partnership has been a huge success! We've provided free legal services to hundreds of internet users and creators.  We've also produced over 100 educational videos that have received over 150,000 views! In addition, we've helped create public policies that improve our ability to access and remix the world around us, and to have control of what information and services we can access through new technologies like smartphones.