Executive Director Art Neill is speaking at the 2017 American Intellectual Property Law Association's Spring Meeting in San Diego, California May 18.  He'll be speaking about music copyright, specifically The Status of Copyright Infringement of Musical Works After the "Stairway to Heaven" and "Blurred Lines" Decisions.


The Federal Communications Commission made a dangerous new proposal to end the hard-fought net neutrality protections that internet consumers, innovators, and creators fought for and won back in 2015.

The FCC, under President Trump and Chairman Pai, along with the cable and cell phone companies companies, are trying to mislead the public into believing that the open internet (aka Net Neutrality), and all the creative and competitive benefits that come with it, should be gotten rid of. Trump and Pai are advocating dropping Title II regulation that saved the internet in 2015. Instead of being honest, Chairman Pai and companies are saying they support net neutrality, just not through Title II. They know they are misleading the public, because courts already found that without Title II the FCC has no ability to protect the internet. That's why we had Title II classification in the first place.

Here’s how you can do something about it...

New Media Rights stays on the forefront of providing legal services to those who create new ways to communicate and learn. Of course, "new media" is literally in our name. So we jumped at the chance to work with local VR company Nanome to make their VR molecular modeling app a reality.  We want to congratulate Nanome on their release of Nano-One, the first of Nanome’s suite of nano-engineering and mathematics visualization tools. Nano-One was recently launched on Steam Greenlight as Nanome moves forward to a full release.

New Media Rights invites you to a free screening of two excellent films that we've had the pleasure to work on over the past two years-The short film " American Baghdad" and the feature " Valentino's Ghost: Why We Hate Arabs". We will have a Q&A with Ron Najor, director of American Baghdad, and Michael Singh, director of Valentino's Ghost following the screenings. Please RSVP at our Facebook invite, seating is first come, first serve. 

Salima Koroma and Jaeki Cho's new documentary film Bad Rap tells the story of a four Asian American hip hop artists trying to find their place in the music industry while shedding the cultural stereotypes that surround them.

Fair use is critical to protecting free speech about social, political, and cultural issues. Here are projects and stories from our work that show how important defending fair use is to protecting freedom of speech.

We're off to a fast start in 2017. Our clients include a nonprofit dedicated to financial transparency in our elections, documentary films on the transgender community and media representation of muslims, and a nonprofit that introduces kids to writing and recording music, to name a few.  We also participated in advocating for balanced copyright reform during the recent Copyright Week.

Our book Don't Panic is a hit! It has already been adopted in 9 college and graduate classes to teach legal concepts to creators. Help us celebrate by picking one up from Amazon or get $4 off at this link when you use the code ""EHCBPZHD".  If you find it useful please take the time to write us a review!  If you're a teacher or professor and want an evaluation copy and assistance incorporating the book into your teaching let us know by sending an email to support@newmediarights.org.

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