The New Narrative is a storytelling series started by Nathan Young in San Diego, California. The events have a theme (ie. Family, Communication, Identity, Relationships) and 6-8 speakers, with hundreds of people in attendance. The events go beyond storytelling, the goal being to "define the narrative for our lives and shape it towards the path of creating a healthier, more fulfilling, equitable, and sustainable world." New Narrative events create a community gathering space, and forum to discuss important subjects in novel and productive ways. To make such an event work, there are legal needs along the way. New Media Rights was glad to be able to provide services to the New Narrative to help draft documents and address questions that arise when hosting and filming storytelling events. Read more to learn how we helped the New Narrative make their Storytelling events and online presence a reality.


Here's what we've been up to lately:

Welcome to Our Fall 2018 Team!

This fall we welcomed our new team, including 2 returning student fellows. Over 100 students have  worked with us over the years serving internet users, artists, and small businesses. To our team both current and past, thank you!


New Media Rights' latest blog post is all about navigating a lawsuit, and what happens after you hire an attorney. Special thanks to our co-author, Lauren Hanley-Brady, who is one of our advisory board members, and a former NMR intern!

A lawsuit can consume vast amounts of time and money, and unfortunately is not normally something that can be resolved quickly. But the judicial process can operate much more smoothly if you are aware of what happens in the first stages and the consequences of not meeting the various requirements in the first stages of a lawsuit. The more you know upfront, the easier the path to resolution will be.

Executive Director Art Neill will be speaking at the San Diego Press Club meeting on September 12th at 6pm. The panel is called "Nuts and Bolts: Intellectual Property – Protecting Yours and Using Others," and will include a discussion of using third party content online, protecting your own intellectual property, freelancers’ rights related to unauthorized republishing of their work, and journalists’ and media outlets’ responsibilities regarding work sourced from third parties.

The meeting is being held at the Procopio building in downtown San Diego, and the panel begins at 6pm.