Full list of policy filings

“Our partnership with REC allows us to reach a new generation of technology entrepreneurs here in San Diego.”

So said Art Neill, California Western's New Media Rights' (NMR) Founder and Executive Director, as he commented on NMR's latest partnership following the first in a series of REC online Advice Days held at the end of March.

“California Western law students will see firsthand the challenges these entrepreneurs face getting their businesses off the ground,” continued Neill. “Our law students will then advise on early-stage intellectual property, privacy, and other legal issues that could become critical to the viability of these businesses.”

The San Diego Miramar College REC Innovation Lab provides resources to anyone in the region who is interested in starting or scaling a business. READ MORE

We understand that the current health crisis has exerted financial strains on a lot of businesses and nonprofits, including right here in San Diego. In an effort to help businesses that are scrambling to keep their doors open, we have gathered a list of San Diego, state, and national resources available to small business owners.

As we move into times of economic uncertainty, making sure that people like creatives, journalists, startups, and everyday consumers who can't afford legal services have somewhere like New Media Rights to turn to as important as ever.⁠ READ MORE

Nevertheless Trailer from Sarah Moshman on Vimeo.

New Media Rights was proud to work on Sarah Moshman's recent documentary film, Nevertheless.

Taking a look behind the headlines of #MeToo and Time’s Up, Nevertheless follows the intimate stories of 7 individuals who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or school context. From a writer's assistant on a top TV show to a Tech CEO and 911 dispatcher, the film shines a light on the ways in which we can shift our culture and rebuild.

Our Executive Director Art Neill will be speaking 10amThursday April 16th at the 2020 California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference.  The conference is now completely virtual, and you can sign up to attend for free here

Art's panel will be talking about legal education for entrepreneurs, including intellectual property, privacy, contracts, and other areas that are fundamental to getting a business off the ground.

The two-day conference, free of charge, will include interviews and panel discussions featuring an international lineup of keynote speakers.

With the help of their partner, the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the interviews and panels will be live-streamed via Zoom on April 16th and 17th, with registrants free to come and go as they please. Each day will close with a virtual social gathering!

Here's the link for the event, did we mention it's free? Hope to see you there!


   We've put together and are adding to a list of local San Diego, as well as state and national resources for small businesses READ MORE