Bryan Blanco

Student Fellow
Joined NMR in

Before attending California Western, Bryan worked with filmmakers and musicians in his hometown of Miami producing music videos and short films. Shorts he assisted on have played at Montreal’s Fantasia International Film Festival, Park City’s Slamdance Film Festival, and the Miami International Film Festival.

Bryan received his Bachelor of Arts in English with a focus on film studies from Florida International University. The film program at FIU lead him to study abroad in Czech Republic, where he attended the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival to learn the business behind film production. It was during his tenure at FIU he decided to take his passion in film to pursue a legal career in entertainment law.

Now entering his second year of law school, Bryan is looking forward to specializing in fields such as intellectual property, entertainment, and employment. After law school he wants to practice law and attend AFI’s producer program.

Outside of school and New Media Rights, Bryan spends most of his time with his dog, Rosco, exploring San Diego, watching movies, and playing records.