Jonathan McIntosh

Advisory Board Member
Joined NMR in

Jonathan McIntosh is a pop culture hacker and transformative storyteller.  You can see his work at He has been remixing mass media narratives for critical purposes since before the invention of YouTube. Everything he makes is freely available on the internet to view, share and remix. His viral remix videos “Buffy vs Edward” and “Donald Duck meets Glenn Beck” have been featured and discussed by major media publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times and on National Public Radio.

In 2010 his “Buffy vs Edward” video was nominated for a Webby Award in the Best Remix/Mashup category. That same year the accompanying essay “What Would Buffy Do?: Notes on Dusting Edward Cullen” won the Short Mr. Pointy Award at the 2010 Slayage Conference on the Whedonverses.

Jonathan is currently an instructor at the Bay Area Video Coalition where he teaches youth classes focusing on media literacy and remix video.

Jonathan has also been a client of New Media Rights for a number of years, utilizing NMR's legal services in copyright, fair use, and content takedown situations.  The highest profile of these took place in late 2012 and early 2013, when Lionsgate took down Jonathan's Buffy v Edward video.