Visit Our Discussion Forums to Get More Out of CMLP

If you haven't checked out CMLP's newly launched forums, you're missing out on one of our site's most interactive resources. In the forums, you can post your own legal questions and receive unofficial feedback from CMLP staff and others. (For an example, see our response to a recent question about videotaping in New Jersey). The forums are also a great place for you to spark discussion by posting articles you think others will find interesting. We'll also post Q&As with CMLP staff members in the next few weeks so you can learn more about the work they do.

In order to post in the forums you will need to be registered on the site. If you haven't done that yet, visit the registration page, where you can create a username and password. You'll also have the option to add further information about yourself on your profile page, which can be viewed by other users. We've added some new interactive features to the forums, including the ability to click on another's user name to see all of their posts and comments, and a notification system that will automatically alert you when someone has commented on one of your posts. (You can easily turn this off by going to your user profile and selecting subscriptions.)

Once you're registered, you'll be able to post comments or start your own topic in any of our forum sections. Take a look at the FAQ page for more information about how to use the forums.

You can also connect with CMLP on Facebook and Twitter. On our Facebook page, you'll be able to keep up with our social networking activities. On Twitter, CMLP will keep you up-to-date on interesting articles, news, and blog posts concerning citizen media and the law.

(Courtney French is a rising second-year law student at Georgetown University and a CMLP legal intern.)

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