New Media Rights Executive Director Art Neill will be speaking at the March 28 UC Irvine School of Law Entertainment and Technology Law Symposium. Art will be on a panel of experts regarding the FCC's recent decision to implement Open Internet rules by reclassifying broadband under Title II.
You can find more information here. Here's some of the details.
Bridging a Troubled Stream: Confronting Legal Issues at the Nexus of Entertainment and Technology
Saturday, March 28, 2015, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
EDU 1111, UC Irvine School of Law (map)
This symposium will examine current legal issues at the nexus of entertainment and technology in a rapidly changing digital frontier. The internet has given the public unprecedented access to digital information, and it has forced the entertainment industry to come to terms with the reality that it no longer retains the control over the distribution of its wares that it once did.
Experts from the legal, technological, business, media, entertainment, and government sectors will all come together at this symposium to discuss the consequences of legal decisions on access to entertainment in the internet age. The panelists at this symposium will explore questions that directly affect the way consumers access entertainment, how artists and entertainers create content, and the future landscape of entertainment and information distribution.
This conference will feature three panels and a keynote speaker with networking breaks between the panels and thereafter. Each panel will have roughly three speakers and one moderator, allowing for ample time for each panelist to speak.
Panel Topics
Remote & Cloud-Based Television Services Post-Aereo
ASCAP/BMI Consent Decrees in the Age of Digital Distribution
The FCC’s Vote on Net Neutrality: Implications, Predictions, and Perspectives