Art Neill

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Davidsonville Maryland Mushroom 1.87 MB
Founder / Executive Director
Joined NMR in

Art is the founder of New Media Rights, and practices public interest law in the areas of internet, intellectual property, privacy, and media law. He writes about legal issues for creators and small businesses as a Contributor at Forbes.

Art is also a professor at California Western School of Law teaching the courses Internet & Social Media Law (primarily focused on Internet, Intellectual Property, licensing, and online publishing law) as well as an Internet & Media Law Clinic.

In 2011, 2013, and 2015, Art was appointed as a member of the Federal Communication Commission's Consumer Advisory Committee, where he has served as Co-chair of the Broadband Working Group.  In 2014, Art was named to the Fastcase 50, which honors the law's smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, & leaders. 

Honors, Professional Leadership, and Affiliations

  • 2016 – Present – Advisory Board Member – San Diego City College Radio, Television, Film Program
  • 2016 – 2019 - Volunteer for Serving Seniors
  • 2011 – 2016 – Appointed three times to the Federal Communications Commission’s Consumer Advisory Committee.  Served as Co-Chair of Broadband Working Group in 2013-14.
  • 2015 Top Attorney Academic & IP Transactional categories Semi-finalist, San Diego Daily Transcript
  • 2014 Fastcase 50 Award Winner - Award honoring the law's smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, & leaders.
  • 2014 – Present – Cybertech Champion (San Diego’s cybersecurity and technology community nonprofit)
  • 2014 Community Hero Award – San Diego-based nonprofit Green Neuroscience Laboratory.  For work advancing open and green Neuroscience.
  • May 2013 – June 2015 – Board Member of San Diego-based 501(c)3 Literary Arts Nonprofit So Say We All

Publications and Scholarship:

See a more complete list of publications, amicus briefs, and scholarship on Art's SSRN page

  • Book - Don’t Panic: A Legal Guide for Small Businesses & Creative Professionals (2016 & 2017) Link

  • Contributor for Forbes on intellectual property, media and privacy law issues. View all articles. Example articles include What You Should Know About The New California Consumer Privacy Law, Forbes (June 29, 2018) (with Erika Lee), and Intellectual Property 101: What Your Business Needs To Know About Copyright Law Forbes (June 8, 2017) (with Teri Karobonik).

  • Fixing Copyright Registration for Online Video Creators: The Case for Group Registration of Published Videos, 28 Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal 87 (2019). (with Erika Lee) 

  • Fixing Section 1201: Legislative and Regulatory Reforms for the DMCA Anti-Circumvention Provisions, Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property (December 2016)

  • Fixing Section 512 – Legislative Reforms for the DMCA Safe Harbor Provisions, California Western School of Law Research Paper No. 17-1 (2016) (with Erika Lee).

  • How the FCC Can Preserve the Open Internet: The Case for Reclassifying Broadband Internet Access under Title II, 18 No. 9 J. Internet Law (2015)

  • Remixing Copyright Law: How Copyright Reform Can Empower Remix Creators and Internet Users (January 1, 2014) available at (with Teri Karobonik)

  • Does a New Wave of Filesharing Lawsuits Represent a New Business Model for Copyright Owners?14 No. 12 J. Internet Law 1 (2011)

  • Social Media and the Law: Here Comes Everybody!, CEB Business Law Quarterly (A publication of the University of California and the State Bar of California) (May 2010)

Policy Advocacy & Amicus Briefs

  • Petitions for renewal of DMCA exemption classes for computer programs, noncommercial, and documentary films Docket No. 2017-10 (July 2020) 

  • In the Matter of Registration Modernization, Docket No 2018-9, Comments of New Media Rights (filed Jan 15, 2019). Link

  • SB 822 NMR Letter of Support for California Net Neutrality Law (April 11, 2018) Link

  • In the Matter of Restoring Internet Freedom, WC Docket No. 17-108, FCC 17-60, Comments of New Media Rights July 17, 2017 Link

  • Petitions for renewal of DMCA exemption classes for computer programs, noncommercial, and documentary films Docket No. 2017-10 (July 2017) 

  • Press Freedom Groups Letter to Federal Communications Commission in support of Title II Net Neutrality (2017) Link

  • In the matter of Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, Docket No. RM 2014-07, Comments of New Media Rights (Filed February 6, 2015)

  • In the Matter of Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet, Comments of New Media Rights, GN Docket No. 14-28 (Filed July 15, 2014)

  • Guide to Intellectual Property & Fiscal Sponsorship Agreements for Scientific, Research, and Archival Projects. (September 3, 2014), available at (with Marko Radisavljevic)

  • Garcia v Google, NO. 12-57302 (9th Cir 2014) Brief of Amici Curiae Electronic Frontier Foundation, American Civil Liberties Union, Public Knowledge, Center for Democracy and Technology, New Media Rights, American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries, and Association of Research Libraries In Support of Defendants-Appellees (Corynne McSherry, Nathan Cardozo, Lee Rowland, Brian Hauss, Michael Weinberg, Teri Karobonik, David Sohn, Jonathan Band)

  • In the Matter of the Public Comment on Intentional Interruption of Wireless Services, GN Docket No. 12-52, Comments of New Media Rights (Filed April 30, 2012)

  • Remedies for Small Copyright Claims, Docket Number RM 2011-10, Comments of New Media Rights (Filed January 17, 2012) 

  • The matter of Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies, Docket No. RM. 2011-7, Comments of New Media Rights (Filed February 10, 2012) 

  • In the Matter of Applications of AT&T, Inc. and Deutsche Telekom A For Consent to Assign or Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, WT Docket No. 11-65, Petition to Deny of New Media Rights, Utility Consumers’ Action Network, and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. (Filed May 11, 2011)

Additional publications can be found at

Selected Interviews:

Selected Talks & Testimony

  • Featured Speaker, “Copyright, Fair Use, Creative Commons, and Open Educational Resources” Continuing Education for San Diego Community College Professors, Mira Mesa College, January 2019.
  • Panelist, "Nuts and Bolts: Intellectual Property – Protecting Yours and Using Others," San Diego Press Club, San Diego, CA September 2018
  • Panelist, “Copyright and Digital Content Streaming - Applying Copyright Concepts Through the Lens of Goldman v. Breitbart News”, PLI’s Fundamentals of Copyright Law in the Data Era, San Francisco, CA July 2018
  • Panelist, “Copyright, Fair Use, and Licensing” Alliance for Community Media National Conference Baltimore, MD July 2018
  • Testified before the United States Copyright Office in DMCA Section 1201 exemption hearings, May 2018, May 2015 and May 2012.
  • Panelist, "Protect yourself now: The independent writer’s legal guide to contracts, clauses & conundrums", Investigative Reporters & Editors National Conference, Phoenix, AZ  June 25, 2017,
  • Panelist, “The Status of Copyright Infringement of Musical Works After the "Stairway to Heaven" and "Blurred Lines" Decisions”, AIPLA National Conference, San Diego, CA May 2017
  • Panelist, “Fair Use, Copyright, and Legal Protections for Community Media Centers and Producers,” ACM Western Regional Conference, Fresno, CA March 2017.
  • Featured Speaker, “Law 101 for Filmmakers”, San Diego Filmmakers December 2016.
  • Panelist, “Beyond Selfies: Innovative Ways to Promote Your Work and Accomplishments,” Legal Writing Institute Biennial Conference, Portland, OR, July 201
  • Moderator & Panelist, “Community and Pedagogical Benefits of Developing Public Education Resources and Engaging in Technology Enhanced Representation,” Baltimore, MD, May 2016
  • Panelist, “Can We Just Play? The Legality of Let's Play Videos,” SXSW, Austin, TX, March 2016
  • Panelist, “Marketing & Legal Guidance Panel: Strategies to Promote & Protect Your Business,” San Diego Small Business Advisory Board Annual Meeting, San Diego Central Library, October 2015
  • Featured Speaker, “Office of the Fair Use Wizard: Creators, Technology and Fair Use in the Digital Age,” Fall Colloquium and Distinguished Speaker Series, Whittier Center for Intellectual Property Law, October 2015
  • Panelist, “Can We Just Play? The Legality of Let's Play Video and Streams,” TwitchCon, San Francisco, CA, September 2015
  • August 2015 - Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Fair Use in Media at the 2015 Alliance for Community Media National Conference, Pasadena, CA
  • May 2015 - Copyright for Media Makers at San Diego City College
  • March 2015 - Net Neutrality Panel at UC Irvine School of Law's 2015 Entertainment Law Symposium
  • February 2015 - "Copyright & Trademark for Entrepreneurs: Key startup mistakes to avoid" at Ansir Innovation Center
  • November 2014 - Fair Use and Copyright for Documentary Filmmakers presentation at Doculink LA (VIDEO).
  • June 2014 – Panelist at Vidcon 2014 “Copyright on Youtube?”
  • June 2014 – Panelist for Copyright Society of the USA “Crowd-sourced editorial content and Fan Productions”
  • March 2014 - SXSW Interactive 2014, Austin, TX - Stand Up To Content Bullies, Know Your Copy Rights
  • February 2014 - California Lawyers for the Arts & New Media Rights- Artist-Gallery Agreements and Copyright Law
  • December 2013-San Diego Mini Maker Faire - Copyright & Trademark Issues Of Digital Fabrication
  • December 2013- San Diego Central Library & FAB LAB San Diego - Panel Discussion: Copyright and IP Issues Related to 3D Printing 
  • November 2013  - California State Bar IP Insitute, Berkeley, CA - Copyrights or Copywrongs: Is the Current System of Enforcement Working?
  • October 2013 - North County IP Section, Carlsbad, CA. Why did my content disappear? How the DMCA takedown process affects websites, users, and plaintiffs.
  • September 2013 Basics of Copyright, how Creative Commons licenses work, and video releases - San Diego City College Documentary Film class
  • May 2013 - 2013 Alliance for Community Media Conference Panel, San Francisco, CA -Free Speech vs. Copyright: An Intersection or a Collision?
  • May 2013 - Film Consortium San Diego Workshop - "Law 101 for video creators: How can I use music and video from others in my video?"
  • April 2013 - American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Transactional Clinical Conference, Austin, TX - Panelist for "Creating Lawyers as Problem-Solvers, Appreciating the Risks and Benefits, Clinical Examples of Non-Traditional Transactional Clinic Matters"
  • March 2013 - National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC) and DailyDot Live Google Hangout "Interacting with the Digital Millenium Copyright Act"
  • January 2013- New Media Expo 2013: Legal Ease: "What you should know to stay on the right side of the law"
  • November 2012- Testimony before US Copyright Office in Small Claims Copyright court hearings.
  • October 2012 Basics of Copyright, how Creative Commons licenses work, and video releases - San Diego City College Documentary Film class
  • June 2012 - Panelist for "The Ins and Outs of Copyrights / Avoiding Copyright Infringement" at Vidcon 2012, Anaheim, California.
  • May 2012 - Testimony before US Copyright Office in DMCA section 1201 exemption hearings.
  • October 2011 Panelist at Media Law in the Digital Age conference co-produced by Citizen Media Law Project at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Kennesaw State's Center for Sustainable Journalism for session "Apps and Wireless: New Platforms for Online Content Providers and Journalists"
  • October 2011 Basics of copyright and how Creative Commons licenses work - San Diego City College
  • August 2011 Creative Commons for Low Power & Internet Radio stations at the Media Arts Center San Diego with Activist San Diego, Prometheus Radio, and the World Beat Center
  • April 2011 Panelist at National Conference for Media Reform for Session on Copyright and Intellectual Property Law
  • March 2011 The Business of Social Media Law
  • February 2011 Drumbeat San Diego - "Basics of Copyright & How Creative Commons Licenses Work"
  • May 2010 Media Arts Center filmmaker meetup: "How Creative Commons licenses work"
  • March 2010 LA Media Reform Conference at Occidental College: "How the Law empowers citizen media: Fair Use and Creative Commons licenses"
  • August 2009 Media Arts Center filmmaker meetup: "The Legal Aspects of Documentary Filmmaking & Online Video" (Emphasis on the Fair Use doctrine, Creative Commons licensing, and releases.
  • June 2009 San Diego County Bar Entertainment and Sports Law Society meeting: "Social Media & the Law"
  • Spring 2009 California Western School of Law Entertainment & Sports Law Symposium: "Social Media & the Law"

New Media Rights provides legal resources, and assistance regarding intellectual property, licensing, and other legal issues that arise with new technologies and media.

With a focus on citizen creators and nonprofits, Art has provided legal advice regarding limiting the potential liability of interactive websites which utilize extensive user generated or aggregated content, the use of Creative Commons licenses, and proprietary and open source software licenses. 

Art has made numerous appearances in the local, national, and international media regarding consumer communications, technology, and intellectual property related legal issues.

Art is a tech geek at heart, and has participated in open source projects such as the content management system Drupal, as well as designing databases and heavily trafficked user-generated content driven websites. Mr. Neill is also a musician, and plays the trumpet, guitar, piano, and sings.

Additional Biography and Interviews

  • Member of the California Bar (admitted 2006)
  • Member of the San Diego County Bar Association

Additional interviews:

Academic Background

Graduate of The College of William & Mary (B.A. Government, minor eqv. Economics) and the University of San Diego School of Law (focus on public interest and intellectual property law)

Contributing author to the California Regulatory Law Reporter regarding the California Public Utilities Commission and the California Dental Board.

Awarded the University of San Diego School of Law Pro Bono Service Recognition Award

Professional Background

Adjunct Professor of law at California Western School of Law teaching the courses Internet & Social Media Law and Internet & Media Law Clinic.

Founder and Director of New Media Rights. October 2005 to Present.

Attorney for Utility Consumers' Action Network and founder and director of New Media Rights. August 2006 to May 2012.

Law Clerk for Lorraine Donaldson. 2004-2005. Assisted with practice specialized in Intellectual Property, particularly patent drafting.

Law Clerk for San Diego City Attorney's Office - Civil Division. Summer and Fall, 2004. Work included American with Disabilities act, California Environmental Quality Act, among many other cases.

LSAT Instructor for Kaplan, 2004.

Public Information Officer/Press Secretary for the Office of the Secretary of State of Maryland. 2002-2003. Involved in Maryland redistricting based on 2000 Census, analysis of electronic voting machines, and reform of Maryland's felony disenfranchisement laws, among other duties.

Special Assistant to the Secretary of State of Maryland 2001-2002.

Director of Member Services for Mid-Atlantic LifeSpan, the largest non-profit trade association of senior care providers in Maryland and the District of Columbia.

Other information / interests

  • Art is a native of Annapolis, MD

Here's some work from Art you can remix.  "Davidsonville Maryland Mushroom" by Art Neill, openly licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0