
Nathalie Garcia

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in

Prior to law school, I received a Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Political Science from Florida International University. I worked in a human resources department for a media company for several years before deciding to pursue my dream of a legal career. I relocated to San Diego, California and began attending California Western School of Law.

Initially, I was interested in criminal law and after a few semesters interning in the area I decided that path is not for me. I realized how passionate I was when working in the media realm and wanted to find my way back into that area.

I am entering my third year of law school and have developed an interest in business, mergers and acquisitions, and intellectual property. I am extremely excited to embark in this journey at New Media Rights and look forward to learning about intellectual property.

When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time on the beach, hiking, cooking, traveling, and basketball season (GO Miami Heat!). 

Samantha Lopez

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in

Samantha received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Business Management from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Ready to escape from the scorching hot summers in Las Vegas, she decided to pursue her goals of becoming an attorney in beautiful San Diego, California.

Samantha is currently in her third year of law school at California Western and is an active member of the Entertainment and Sports Law Society. Samantha has gained further interest in Entertainment and Business Law and ultimately hopes to practice in these areas.

When Samantha is not studying or at the New Media Rights office, she is exercising, looking for new recipes to try, or catching up on Netflix.

Mike Flesuras

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in

My passion for playing music started at a young age. I spent countless hours listening to the radio learning any guitar riff I heard. Out of high school, I put off college to join a rock band. The band toured the U.S. with acts like Social Distortion, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Psychedelic Furs, and Unwritten Law. Later, while still writing music for my band, I began producing and writing songs for other artists as well. Having proficient knowledge of creating music, I decided to get a law degree to learn more about music law and business. I want to further my own knowledge but also help other musicians understand the music “business” and how to protect their music rights.

Cat Mineo

Student Fellow
Joined NMR in

Cat received her Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Crime, Law, and Justice from the Pennsylvania State University, where she developed a strong interest in the legal field. Following her undergraduate time in Happy Valley, Cat worked for four years in the legal field as a paralegal in a variety of firm practice.

She moved to California from New Jersey to pursue her career as an attorney and was welcomed into the legal community of San Diego by joining the San Diego Legal Secretaries Association. Cat is entering her second year at California Western School of Law, where she is an active member and Board Secretary of the Student Intellectual Property Law Association.

In her free time, Cat can be found riding her bicycle, hiking the trails and canyons, or walking around in the beautiful Southern California weather.

Maresa Martin

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in


A Texas native, Maresa graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Economics.  After graduation served as a Senate aide and Legal Assistant at the Texas State Capitol for two years.  Subsequently, Maresa came to San Diego after joining the U.S. Navy, and currently serves as a naval reservist.

Maresa is fascinated with the mainstream emphasis on a “brand,” ranging from the choice to purchase Kellogg over Post cereal to sending a Kimoji text message.  Because of her fascination with the IP infiltration into everyday life, Maresa desires to specialize in Copyright & Trademark Infringement and Licensing.  Now in her third year at California Western School of Law, Maresa is looking forward to working with small businesses and start-up companies to help them establish their own brands and protect their creativity.

Outside of class or work, Maresa enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

Camille Collantes

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in

Camille studied Political Science, French, and Spanish while as an undergrad at California State University San Marcos. Before entering law school, she served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the West African Republic of Benin, where she was posted as an English teacher for two years. Camille had an amazing experience there and was able to do some cool activities like teaching students about malaria and proper hygiene, hosting an English radio show, and learning the basics of a few local languages.

Now entering her second year at California Western School of Law, Camille is looking forward to expanding her knowledge in various areas of the law, including intellectual property and international law.

When Camille is not in class or interning at New Media Rights, she is fond of listening to electro swing, binge watching shows on (some) weekends, walking around Balboa Park, and spending time with family.

Danasia Neal

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in

Prior to entering law school, Danasia Neal received her Bachelors of Art and Sciences in Criminal Justice from Wayne State University. Leaving the Motorcity, she decided to pursue her dreams as an attorney here in San Diego, California. Although Danasia loved Criminal Justice, she took a turn in her career interests focusing on her true passion: Music and Media/Internet law.

As Danasia enters her 3rd year of law school, she has gained interests in not only Entertainment Law but also Business and Employment Law. She plans to begin her own Firm one-day practicing in the mentioned areas, specializing in Employment/Entertainment Law.

At Cal Western, she currently sits as the President of the Student Intellectual Property Law Association and the Vice President of the Employment and Labor Law Society.

When Danasia is not working or studying, she mentors younger adults, reads success books, and catches up on new music.  

Zayde Khalil

Legal Intern
Joined NMR in

Zayde received a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology with honors at Western New Mexico University, and was inducted into the Western New Mexico University student Hall of Fame in 2015. During his time at Western New Mexico, Zayde played college football, and was the Senior Student-Athlete of the year in 2015.

Zayde is entering his second year at California Western School of Law, where he is an active member of both the Middle Eastern Law Student Association and the Entertainment and Sports Law Society. During his first semester in law school, Zayde earned the American Jurisprudence award in Property I for having the highest grade in the class.

Zayde is specifically interested in contract law and the legal aspects of copyright and trademark issues. Zayde is passionate to intern at New Media Rights so he can give legal assistants to artists, filmmakers, photographers, and entrepreneurs, because he comes from a family background of self-made entrepreneurs.

Outside of work and school, Zayde is an avid moviegoer, sports fanatic, and enjoys hiking throughout beautiful San Diego with his dogs. 

Erin Murphy Girard

Student Fellow
Joined NMR in

Erin P. Murphy joined New Media rights in January, 2016.  After a fast-paced sales career at a pioneer internet company, she decided to pursue a legal degree.  Tired of the cold winters in Boston, Erin headed west for San Diego and is currently in her 4th semester at California Western School of Law.

Erin is extremely interested in internet law and how it can protect works without stifling technological and creative advancement.  She is specifically concerned about how the law can better keep up with technology. 

When Erin is not working or studying, she is likely spending time with her new husband.  She loves dogs, poker, and the New England Patriots.

Rayman Khan

Clinical Intern
Joined NMR in

Ray attended the University of San Diego where he majored in environmental studies. As much as he loved the field work involved in his major, he developed an affinity for the social implications related to environmental forces. In order to one day become a liaison between people and the environment, he decided to obtain a legal education at California Western School of Law. Now as a matured second year student and because of his fascination with social entrepreneurship, Ray's interests have broadened to include the legal aspects of intellectual property and business law alongside his environmental focus.

In school, he currently acts as the social media chair for both the Environmental Law Society and the Middle Eastern Law Student Association. He is also a competitor for the school's Alternative Dispute Resolution team. As a tutor, he teaches first year students the basics behind contract law. Outside of school, Ray tries his best to keep active by joining pick-up Frisbee and Basketball games (#ballislife), hiking the various landscapes around San Diego, or jogging around Mission Bay.