We wanted to let you know New Media Rights just released 20+ new videos, and hundreds more will be released soon. We've been steadily working on a new video series targeted at teaching artists, non-profits, tech startups, and internet consumers about internet law. You should subscribe to our channel if you haven't already, so you can know when new videos are uploaded each week. ![]() Want to check some of them out? We thought so... how about What are the benefits of copyright registration? http://youtu.be/anq2DJ0_5UM Why people give away art instead of selling it? http://youtu.be/z_BYzVIk_rg or... that question that's always nagged at you... Is the Wizard of Oz Copyright protected? http://youtu.be/RKU1H7FnjqM In October, we'll be releasing LAGD, an educational video series directly focused on legal issues that game developers face. If you're a game developer or just interested in video games, let us know if you'd like to be added to the list of people we contact so you'll know when they're released or subscribe. If you've got ideas for future videos or series that would help the public, we want to hear from you! Let us know your ideas at support@newmediarights.org.
New Media Rights helps shape recommendations by FCC Advisory Committee to improve Consumer interaction with the FCC You may already know that NMR's Art Neill was appointed to the FCC's Consumer Advisory Committee in 2011. Recently, Art was asked to be part of a special Consumer Complaint Task Force within the CAC that reviewed the FCC's systems for interacting with Consumer. New Media Rights reviewed the phone and online complaint systems at the FCC, and crafted practical recommendations to the FCC’s Consumer Advisory Committee about improvements that could be made to the FCC hotline and online complaint form. Many of these recommendations are now part of the final recommendation the Task Force will ask the CAC to make to the FCC! This is great news and a substantial step in heping consumers better communicate with the FCC. A special thank you to Art, Alex Johnson, the Task Force, and everyone at NMR for making these accomplishments a reality. CWSL Partnership NMR is pleased to continue strengthening its partnership with California Western School of Law. Our partnership with CWSL is integral in providing the free legal work that we do for Californian's and internet users across the country. Despite our relationship with the school, we are still 100% independently funded, so we rely on donations from individuals like you to continue our work. You can continue to support our work by donating here. You can also support our work by liking and sharing us through Facebook, Twitter, and by telling all your friends to do the same. Getting the word out helps us help the folks who need it most! Grant from the City of San Diego! A special THANK YOU to the City of San Diego Economic Development Department for supporting our mission by providing us with a brand new grant through its Small Business Empowerment program! With the grant, we'll be able to specifically assist about 30 small businesses and host 4 legal workshops locally in San Diego! Welcoming back NMR's legal clerks! We’re pleased to see everyone again this Fall. The new space and awesome location we have at Ansir is a welcome change, and we’re grateful for the breath of fresh air! Here's a picture of us in the new space. Welcome back, everyone (Top Row - Matt, Toon, Alex, Kyle, Gemma Bottom Row - Lauren, Art, Shaun, Katrina. Not pictured - Fernando and Shruti)! And, of course, it wouldn’t be the Fall without our new legal clerks to kick off the season. We’ve got Kyle, Gemma, Fernando and Matt in our clutches, and we’re thrilled to bring them under the NMR and Ansir wing. Welcome to the team! Additional notes
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