Have you noticed that much of our exchange of ideas and content online takes place in entirely private places? This gives sites like Facebook and Youtube enormous power to control what we do and don't see. It's easy to miss content that disappears in an age when we are saturated with information. New Media Rights helps users know when these services can and cannot legally remove their content, terminate their accounts, restrict access to their own data, and republish their content. Your input helps us ensure they follow their own self-imposed rules, and respond to the interests of users. Get Involved! This is an important year for us, as a community, to together make New Media Rights sustainable for years to come. Please help us explore creative ways of funding our organization. If you have funding ideas, are aware of relevant grants, have volunteer grantwriting skills, or otherwise want to discuss making this community sustainable far into the future, get involved by writing to support@newmediarights.org Donate today Our new Policy Center We apply the trends that we are seeing in our one-to-one assistance to improve media policy. Check out the new Policy Center page at http://www.newmediarights.org/policy Where you can find:
NMR Stories Center Our work with individual internet users and creators is what makes us unique. Visit our new Stories Center at http://www.newmediarights.org/new_media_rights_stories Where you can find:
New Media Rights Latest Blogs
Remix artists and feminist women Anita Sarkeesian and Elisa Kreisinger have created these videos about how they use remix and mashup videos to communicate deep analysis about representations of race, gender, sexuality, class and ability in popular culture. Art and Mera attended the National Media Reform Conference between April 7-10 in Boston, MA. Listen to the audio from "Copyright, Copyleft, Copycenter: Can Copyright and Remix Culture Co-Exist?" This year during Sunshine Week, San Diego's local City Beat honed in on local projects that broaden civic engagement, transparency and access to public information. In this blog post we share the various work that New Media Rights does to support whistleblowers and transparency. New Media Rights supported community groups and local voices at the first California Broadband Council meeting, at the State Capital on February 28th and April 5th. New Media Rights called for meaningful community stakeholder inclusion and transparency in allocating close to $500 million dollars in monies to various projects.
The first challange question is:How can new web video tools transform news storytelling?Answer this here: https://drumbeat.org/en-US/challenges/unlocking-video/New Media Rights offers education and one-to-one assistance on copyright, online publishing and internet law. We also advocate for improved media policy that serves individual creators and emerging platforms. We take community building seriously and have worked to build events like Drumbeat San Diego and our film screening of 10 Tactics. More ways YOU can get involved! Don't forget that we rely on you to help shape our work. We want you to stay involved with New Media Rights, and here's a couple ways you can do so: - We would love to hear your feedback about the newsletters. Write to us at support@newmediarights.org or leave us a comment on our newsletter page. - Offer us a donation in whatever amount is suitable to you by visiting our secure donation page - Comment on the New Media Rights website on our blogs and guides - Become a part of the Drumbeat San Diego community. Stay updated by visiting: http://www.newmediarights.org/drumbeat and signing up for Drumbeat updates. |
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