Policy Advocacy

Our latest work on media policy and intellectual property policy.

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We are thrilled to announce that we joined the Free Expression Legal Network. Supporting journalists and nonprofit news organizations has always been an important part of our work. Journalists face many of the same intellectual property, privacy, and media law issues that challenge other creatives and entrepreneurs.

The Free Expression Legal Network is a nationwide coalition of school clinics, academics, and practitioners focused on promoting and protecting free speech, free press, and the free flow of information to an informed and engaged citizenry. The creation of the network was led by the Reporter's Committee for the Free Press and Yale Freedom & Information Access Clinic.  Members work on media law, transparency, and/or access issues, either as their primary focus or as it intersects with their work on other issues. READ MORE

Device is a monthly book discussion with a science-based twist, hosted by creator Emily Griffiths. The podcast focuses on how authors often rely on scientific phenomena as plot devices, altering what’s scientifically possible to create an engaging plot line, which can often result in great storytelling, but the science can be exaggerated or lost in the process. Currently distributed by KPBS as part of its Explore Local Content ProjectDevice talks to local scientists in San Diego and throughout California to talk what’s real, and what’s science fiction.

Once a program like Device is up and running, creators will often reach out to various distributors to share their content on broader platforms and with audiences throughout the world. There are legal needs at all stages of producing content like a podcast, and New Media Rights was glad to be able to provide services to Emily to help interpret and understand her distribution agreement with KPBS.

Staff Attorney Erika Lee and Student Fellow Alexandra Inman will be at the KPBS Explore Local Content Program orientation workshops on August 27th and 28th at 7pm!

They'll be speaking about what kind of legal issues filmmakers, podcasters and other content creators need to be aware of throughout all stages of production, as well as how copyright and music licensing affects production.


Executive Director Art Neill and Legal Fellow Alexandra Inman spoke to arts teachers and administrators from across San Diego County on Friday May 10, 2019 about copyright, fair use, openly licensed resources, and educational exceptions. We had a great time discussing what students need to know to fully exercise their rights to create, as well as the importance of understanding the business end of creating. We also made sure teachers know that they have unique abilities to use copyrighted works in the classroom that are protected by law. 

New Media Rights recently teamed up with California Western's Community Law Project (CLP) to present a media and privacy law presentation at Hoover High School!  

Assistant Director Shaun Spalding and Staff Attorney Erika Lee talked to three freshman classes about some of the laws that control deceptive advertising online, data collection laws like the Children's Online Privacy Act, and how social media sites comply with these important laws. We also got to talk about how some artificial intelligence technologies learn from the content that people post online. READ MORE