Policy Advocacy

Our latest work on media policy and intellectual property policy.

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Come Celebrate With Us!

This fall marks New Media Rights’ 10th anniversary, and we want to celebrate with you. You’re invited to join us for New Media Rights' 10th anniversary celebration Saturday, October 7 at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park!

It is supporters like you who allow us to provide so many different services to the community, so thank you for all of your support over the last 10 years. We hope you can be there to celebrate with us!


The 2015 Open Internet Rules preserved the internet as we know it at a time when Internet Access Providers were trying to change the internet forever for their own narrow profit motives. The rules ensured that the Federal Communication Commission could play a constructive role in ensuring competition, of ideas, products, and services

Recently, the FCC has done an about face, and now proposes an end to these successful net neutrality protections. This would be disastrous, so we recently submitted comments to the FCC addressing why the Open Internet Rules should remain and also highlighting the dangers of the proposed changes.

The Federal Communications Commission, under it's new Trump-appointed chairman, has made a dangerous new proposal to end the hard-fought net neutrality protections that internet consumers, innovators, and creators fought for and won back in 2015.
Join us in fighting back with thousands of other organizations and web services this Wednesday July 12 to protect the internet as we know it. Learn more about what you can do by checking out this page and by joining the coalition of thousands of organizations and web services at Battle for the Net. #TeamInternet
In 2015, New Media Rights' comments were heavily cited in the order implementing net neutrality rules at the FCC. We'll be submitting comments July 17 to the FCC arguing that we must keep regulations in place to save the internet as we know it. 


Congratulations to our client Sarah Moshman whose documentary Losing Sight of Shore recently made it to Netflix.  The documentary tells the story of the first all women team to row across the Pacific from the United States to Australia.

Thank you to recent graduates Maresa Martin and Nathalie Garcia who provided legal services along with New Media Rights Executive Director Art Neill.

Click through to read more about our work with this client.