
Bangladesh: Bloggers Will Not Be Silenced

The Jagannath University of Dhaka, initiated in 1858, is one of the oldest public educational institutes of Bangladesh. Many people in the country cannot afford expensive private tuition and depend on these public educational institutes for their higher studies.

Recently on the prescription of World Bank the government has ventured to curtail subsidies in education by privatizing the public colleges and universities and Jagannath University has become one of their first experiments.

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Puerto Rico: Online Forum for Good Dads

“Over the years, I've worried about how I'm doing as a father”, says Gil the Jenius - which is why he has nothing but praise for a new website that “bring[s] good Dads together and let[s] them…share what it is to be a father.”

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Jamaica: Bloggers Discuss the Block on Pro-Tolerance PSA

The Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG) recently produced a public service announcement aimed at encouraging Jamaicans to unconditionally accept members of their families who are homosexual.

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D.R. of Congo: End Congo Rape Campaign Launched Online

End Cong Rape online campaign has been launched: “The aim of this site is to inform people on the plight of women in the east of the Congo, as well as to encourage people to get involved and donate.”

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Algeria: Not Arab Revolutions

Algerian-American Kal, from The Moor Next Door, shares some thoughts on the Arab Spring. “This blog does not write about “Arab revolutions”; no such thing has taken place in the Arab countries from a results-oriented stand point. Important and substantive political change came to a number of Arab countries in 2011. But nothing as of yet can be called a revolution, socially, economically, culturally or politically in the Arab region,” he blogs.

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China and Hong Kong: Citizen Arrested for Wearing Political T-shirt

Li Keqiang, China's current vice premier and premier-to-be, began three-day visit to Hong Kong on August 16, 2011. On the first day of his visit, Li tried to show concern for Hong Kong people's livelihoods by visiting a center for the elderly and a residential campus in Lam Tin district.

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